At Voltumachine we build clean coffee roasters with low energy consumption. Through technological innovation and advanced equipment, we help reduce the carbon footprint, minimizing the environmental impact during the production process. We provide scalable solutions, with less initial expenses and with a greater return on investment for our clients. Based in Denmark we provide services on all continents.


We promote economic, efficient, sustainable processes that add value to the product and reduce the carbon footprint.


Our industrial development implements advanced technology, which is respectful of the environment and people.


Our processes seek to reduce emissions that are harmful to everyone’s health and optimize processes that deteriorate product quality.

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Our Services

Voltumachine provides a variety of services,:

  1. Installations of coffee roasters and other related machines 
  2. Reduction of CO2 emissions from coffee roasting
  3. Maintenance of the coffee roaster and related machines
  4. Cleaning coffee roaster machine 
  5. Reporting to the Danish Safety Authority and preparation of statutory documents
  6. Service agreement

Our partners


Voltumachine is part of the Specialty Coffee Association and committed to contributing to greener and more sustainable coffee production.