Services - Compliance with legislation

Compliance with legislation

Servicio Description

Do you just want to focus on toasting coffee and not worry about rules and legislation?

Voltumachine can help you elaborate on the documentation and notify the legal authorities.  

Since the Danish Safety Technology Authority’s new executive order in 2018, the rules for the installation and use of coffee roasting systems have become more detailed and extensive. 

One of the areas covered by the executive order is that it is now mandatory by law to notify the acquisition of a coffee roaster prior to production.
With the notification, pressure loss calculations and documentation for the chimneys must be prepared, as well as a risk analysis and an operation and maintenance plan.

When Voltumachine helps you prepare documents and report to the Danish Safety Technology Authority, we naturally ensure that your installations meet the applicable safety requirements.

That way, you are not only sure of having the papers in order but are also guaranteed safe installation without the risk of fire, explosions, or carbon monoxide poisoning.